clean shower area

How to Clean your Shower Area

The shower area includes shower curtains, shower glass, tiles, and shower heads. 

This article shows you to how clean your shower area. 

Tools you will need.

shower cabinet cleaner | Limescale remover

Shower Cabinet Cleaner

$18.00 $15.00

Shower Cabinet Cleaner is a self-acting cleaner that removes limescale and soap scum. Shower Cabinet Cleaner also protects tiles, grouting and glass partitions with its drip-off effect. Regular application of Shower Cabinet Cleaner prevents the formation of limescale. Ensures hygienic cleanliness. For shower cabinets, partitions and shower curtains.Buy Now Button





How to clean your shower area.

We recommends the use of Shower Cabinet Cleaner. This cleaner allows self-acting removal of lime scale and soap residues. It also protects tiles, grouting and glass partitions thanks to the lotus effect.

Regular use of the Shower Cabinet Cleaner prevents the formation of lime scale and stubborn contamination, leaving hygienic cleanliness. Recommended for regular cleaning use.

1. Simply spray on to surfaces after showering.

2. Allow to work in for 1 – 2 minutes and rinse off with water.

3. In the case of stubborn contamination, rework using a sponge.

Need Help? 

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We do provide cleaning services for those who need help in cleaning their bathroom.

 For more information, please click here.