WEPOS Fridge and freezer defroster


Fridge and freezer defroster Quickly and effortlessly removes ice deposits, iced up areas and ice crystals, enabling convenient and easy defrosting. Saves energy by removing ice layers and increases the efficiency of refrigeration units. For freezer compartments in refrigerators, freezers and freezer appliance.

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Hi-Glitz the only such store known to offer such a wide and comprehensive range of d-i-y easy to use and safe products to meet your cleaning needs.  The unique products available are imported from Germany and are of a very high quality.  These are customised and designed for cleaning, restoring, beautifying and protection for specific materials. 

Effect of Fridge and freezer defroster:

Quickly and effortlessly removes ice deposits, iced up areas and ice crystals, enabling convenient and easy defrosting. Saves energy by removing ice layers and increases the efficiency of refrigeration units. For freezer compartments in refrigerators, freezers and freezer appliance

Application of Fridge and freezer defroster:

Fridge and freezer defroster Cleaner may be used for all refrigerators, microwaves, freezers and other areas that come in contact with food, for instance kitchen work surfaces.

Direction of use for Fridge and freezer defroster:

Remove food from the area to be cleaned. Apply Fridge and freezer defroster Cleaner liberally and evenly, and let it sit for 2-3 minutes. Remove residue with a cloth or paper towel, then wipe with water. Repeat the process for stubborn dirt.

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Call Hi-Glitz 68584477/97374477 for more information



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