Aluminium Basins are very pleasing to the eye. However, over time, many homeowners will note a built up of grease, wax and powdery substance on the basin surface.
This article shares with you how you may clean the Aluminum Basin.
What you need

Grease, Wax and Dirt Remover
Grease, Wax and Dirt Remover
$20.90 $17.60
Grease, Wax and Dirt Remover is a concentrate for the easy removal of dirt, old layers of care products, wax and polish residues, skid marks, nicotine deposits and greasy and oily contamination and building dirt. Grease, Wax and Dirt Remover may be used for interior and exterior use on stone, tiles and ceramic, plastic and metal. Also for furniture and cars. Ideal for basic cleaning before applying protection and care products.
We recommends the use of Grease, Wax & Dirt Remover. Grease, Wax & Dirt Remover easily removes dirt, old protective layers, wax and polish residues, run marks, heel marks and rubber abrasion, nicotine deposits, yellowing as well as greasy and oily soiling and dirt
How to clean your Aluminium Basin like a Pro
1. Add 200 ml of Grease, Wax & Dirt Remover to a bucket of warm water.
2. Apply with a cloth.
3. finish with scrubber, brush or sponge and remove dissolved dirt.
4. Wash with clean water.