How to Clean your Car Windows like a Pro

car window cleaning


Clean car windows look better and improve visibility while driving. However, many car owners get frustrated by the ugly streaks on car windows which forms after every cleaning session.

There are several car window cleaning techniques that you can use to achieve the perfect clean and gleaming look, tainted windows glasses or not.

Materials you need for cleaning car windows:

Professional Glass Cleaner

Professional Glass Cleaner

$19.00 $15.80

Professional Glass Cleaner is a concentrate for streak-free and smear-free cleaning with high degreasing and de-soiling power. Dries quickly. Professional Glass Cleaner prevents rapid re-soiling with its anti-soiling effect. For cleaning glass, frames and car windows. Creates an anti-misting effect on mirrors and lenses. Also suitable for conservatories.Buy Now Button


How to Clean your Car Windows

We recommend the use of Professional Glass Cleaner for your car windows.

Professional Glass Cleaner allows streak-free cleaning with the high capacity of dissolving grease and dirt. It also removes stubborn dirt, such as grease film, skin oils, emissions, nicotine deposits and fly dirt. As well, it prevents quick re-soiling due to anti-soiling effect. Finally, the Professional Glass Cleaner produces an anti-condensation effect on mirrors and spectacles.

1. Add 100 mL of Professional Glass Cleaner to a bucket of warm water.

2. Wash surface off with cloths, sponge or window wiper.

3. Then polish with a dry cloth or shammy.

Need Help? Car Cleaning Services in Singapore

ask for helpWhile Hi-Glitz Pte Ltd does not offers car cleaning services, you may like to try Yelp as a guide on where you can find car cleaning services in Singapore. Click here for more information.

In general, many petrol kiosks provide car cleaning services, and these range from manual car wash to automated car washing services.

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